
What started as a simple meme coin, $KIMBO has transformed into a vibrant, community-powered project with more than 18,000 dedicated holders. Supported by the Avax Foundation, $KIMBO has become much more than just another cryptocurrency — it’s a movement driven by innovation, creativity, and a passionate community.

Kimbo isn't just another token; it's a powerhouse with an incredibly dynamic community, led by the elite AVAX pioneers. It's clear as day: Kimbo is quickly becoming a leader and fantastic community in the crypto world.

Kimbo is a flagship for culture and meme on Avalanche. This is the part of a larger plan to further embolden the creator culture on AVAX as Kimbo continues to further integrate in the ecosystem at large.

  • Ticker: $KIMBO

  • CA: 0x184ff13B3EBCB25Be44e860163A5D8391Dd568c1

  • Network: Avalanche (AVAX C-Chain)

Last updated