How to buy $KIMBO

Buy $KIMBO on TraderJoe. We've created a special video to show people exactly how they can buy $KIMBO on TraderJoe. Check it out to learn step-by-step how to get started with $KIMBO trading! But before you can do that, you need to create a Web3 wallet (like MetaMask) and you have to send some $AVAX to your wallet by using AVAX C-Chain Network.

Once you've done these steps, you can head over to TraderJoe and exchange your $AVAX for $KIMBO. The video will guide you through the whole process.

Buy $KIMBO via Halliday by using creditcard, Stripe or Moonpay We are proud to announce that we are partnering with Halliday to onboard more Kimbo holders by leveraging their innovative solutions. This partnership enables users to buy $KIMBO tokens directly through Halliday without needing an exchange, streamlining the process and enhancing accessibility for all users. Halliday's integration will help expand the Kimbo community by providing a user-friendly and efficient way to acquire and manage $KIMBO tokens.

Halliday connects appchains to commerce. They understand the critical hurdle of getting users to make their first purchase, which is why they offer a comprehensive solution that streamlines onboarding and simplifies asset acquisition. Their Commerce Layer allows users to seamlessly acquire and manage any asset on your chain with just a single click, creating a frictionless user experience.​

Because of the partnership with Halliday, you can now easily purchase your $KIMBO token via credit card and by using Stripe or Moonpay. Halliday handles retries, gas payments, asset balances, transaction formation, batch scheduling, and network routing—all with a single click.

Last updated